Sacramento Area
Council of

Land Use & Natural Resources Committee

Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 1:30 PM

Consistent with California Government Code Section 54953 and Assembly Bill 361, a meeting of the committee will be held online.

Attend, watch or listen
• The public can attend meetings at SACOG’s offices
• Watch the meeting live at, Webinar ID:  849 6698 3363
• Listen by phone 1-888-475-4499, Meeting ID: 849 6698 3363

Provide public comment – comments will be taken on the item at the time it is taken up by the committee
Public comment may be made in person at SACOG’s offices. You will have 3:00 minutes to speak.  Please complete a speaker form and provide it to the clerk.
During the meeting by Zoom or phone:  
By Zoom:  tap on your name on the attendee list and then tap “Raise Hand”.  The clerk will call you by name when it is your turn to comment.  You will have 3:00 minutes to address the committee.  
By phone:  press *9.  The clerk will call you by name or by phone number when it is your turn to comment.  You will have 3:00 minutes to speak.
Written comments
May be submitted via email to the clerk at [email protected].  Comments requested to be read at the meeting will be limited to 250 words.  Comments requested to be distributed to the committee members will be shared with members if they are received at least one hour prior to the meeting.  Otherwise they will be shared after the meeting.    

Agenda Timing:  Time durations are estimates only.  Action may be taken on any item on this agenda.  The committee may take up any agenda item at any time, regardless of the order listed.

Accessibility and Title VI:  SACOG provides access to all agenda and meeting materials online at   Additionally, interested persons can sign up for email notifications at  If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the Clerk to the Board ([email protected]) or by phone at (916) 340-6236.  SACOG also provides services/accommodations upon request to persons who are limited-English proficient who wish to address agency matters.  For accommodations or translations assistance, please call 916.321.9000, or for TDD/TTY dial 711, or email at [email protected]. We require three working days' notice to accommodate your request.

La SACOG puede proveer asistencia/facilitar la comunicación a las personas y los individuos con conocimiento limitado del inglés quienes quieran dirigirse a la agencia. Para solicitar asistencia, por favor llame al número 916.321.9000 o para TDD/TTY llame al numero 711, o email a [email protected]. Requerimos que solicite asistencia con tres días hábiles de anticipación para poderle proveer asistencia.

Message from the Clerk:  In compliance with California Government Code Section 54952.3, the Clerk hereby announces that the compensation for legislative body members attending the following simultaneous or serial meetings is: Board of Directors $100; Transportation Committee $100; Land Use & Natural Resources Committee $100; Policy & Innovation Committee $100, Strategic Planning Committee $100, Race, Equity and Inclusion Working Group $100, Funding Round Working Group $100.  Compensation rates for these meetings are set pursuant to the Rules for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments adopted in July 2005.
Pledge of Allegiance
Remote Committee Meetings (Est. Time: 0 minutes)
  • Approval of virtual meetings following expiration of Executive Order No. N-25-20 and passage of Assembly Bill 361.
Approve Minutes of the February 2, 2023, Committee Meeting (Est. Time: 0 minutes)
  • A written record of the minutes of the February 2, 2023, meeting
Committee Member Reports (Robert Tadevich) (Est. Time: 5 minutes)
  • Reports from committee members
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday, April 6, 2023, at 1:30 PM remotely via Zoom.

This agenda and attachments are available on SACOG’s website at SACOG is accessible to the disabled. As required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Federal Rules and Regulations adopted in implementation thereof, a person who requires a modification or accommodation, auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in a public meeting, including receiving this agenda and attachments in an alternative format, should contact SACOG by phone at 916‐321‐9000, e‐mail ([email protected]) or in person as soon as possible and preferably at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Parking is available at 15th and K Streets.